Selasa, 08 April 2014

I'll tell you about something : Tulungagung & Trenggalek Batik Trip

This time i wouldnt go into something serius.
Last week me and my 18 friends from KIBAS went to Tulungagung and Trenggalek. It was out-of-radar batik centers, especially Trenggalek. Tulungagung was relatively unknown to East Javanese Batik connoiseur, albeit the outside world. The thing is : this region produce some of the most recognizable yet full of fusions from other influence. It is called Majan's Tulungagung.
See for yourself
Those are from the atelier of Batik Yunar Tulungagung. You can easily find her account on FB under ther very same name. It has fine craftmanship, enchanted, both traditional and gave bit of modern twist.
Those beautiful 'thing' was actually from a single 'sarung' , so diverse its part that my friend had thought that i'd show him a couple of samples. Those are picture from a relatively old sarung (around 50 y.o.) and gave us some clear evident that once Batik Tulungagung was as fine as other more important and famous batik center.
( we saw it at Mas Bobby's place).


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