Sometimes you just blown away with something so classic you feels instant connection to it. Classic batiks for the most indonesian was part of their memory of younger era of themselves. Mom went to formal function with neatly tucked hip-wrapper batik sogan, Pop being dress-up in long-sleeve, their baby borother's sling batik craddle, image of their night blanket, etc.
And so is this one, well, in some extent...
A piece of batik classic Tulungagung in Majan Gajah Mada style, by mbak Yunar.
It's classic, with known color scheme of 5, blue, black, yelllow, green , and of course , sogan brown and traditional process. I means that the first step was to start with darkest color of blue to make outlines of design, and then boil it down to rid off the first waxing process. It means more time and resources. And automatically , more expensive batik.
As you notice from detailed pics, the outline's not even a line. It consist of tiny white dots within a dark blue portion. rows of dots like boats on the river. More time-consuming process to get through....
You have to notice that it isnt evenly designed through out the body. there's square that has different pattern from adjacent area. It is called tumpal, special portion in a sarong that indicate special area to wear in front or behind the body.
Design of the body follow the classic lereng, family of diagonal-oriented design, called "Udan Liris" , or "gentle rain" dpicting variety of different stripes of patterns, always odd in number. The larger motif is bird of paradise, symbol of great beauty and personality.
Here and there we could recognize fans, proof for oriental influence. Overall, this design follow those of Central Java "Sudagaran" , classic pattern of either Sultanate of Yogyakarta or Surakarta, but added with merchant-class more personal flavor.