Senin, 22 Juni 2009

Foreign Affair : Chinese in Sumenep

One influence so obvious in Madura is Chinese. It is said that many of Sumenep people had Chinese descendants in the past and once massive population of Moslem Chinese once called Sumenep home. In older part of Asta Tinggi Royal Cemetary lies buildings with more traditional style housed earlier kings and his royal families. It obviously shows this connection right away. As for today, in those day Chinese fine woodcarving was considered precious to be commissioned to adorned royal houses, and tombs. And obviously the rulers of the day also in favor of their Chinese-style ornamental style. In this tomb-house back carving (gebyok-style) the small panels has various elements depicting phoenix and peonies, swallow birds with fan and ribbon, tho-flower branches and unmistakably the fabulous four-seasons panels. Outside, panels with detailed carvings depicting peonies as ‘pohon hayat’ (tree of life) hide the lives within, while birds with various position lurked behind branches and leaves, some even with frog in the beak as their catch-of-the-day. Some senior citizen of Sumenep once told me that “That’s the difference between true artisan and mere skilled carver” to my requested explanation on why those in Asta Tinggi seems ‘superior’ compared to these product of ‘jaman sekarang’. Quality rules.

2 komentar:

  1. aku mampir...
    seneng bacanya..karena baru rencanain mau dolan ke madura....
    ada suggest ke mana yang asik tapi cuman sehari?

  2. bang....
    itu namanya ukiran flowers yang cantik n unik
    ukiran itu kepunyaan museum or someone,bang
